A personal journey - Fragile after awakening

I don’t know if anyone else has had the same experience as I have:
Over the last several months, I have become very fragile. Since November, I have been sleeping more than usual. I used to sleep about 6 hours, but now I need to sleep between 8 and 10 hours.
I have lived in a city center for more than two and a half years and experienced a spiritual awakening since January 2024. Before the end of October 2024, I had never heard birds singing outside my window. However, between October and November 2024, every morning, birds started singing outside my bedroom window. At first, I wasn’t aware of it for a few days, but then I felt like I was being called. I would get up and start meditating. The funny thing was that if I didn’t get up, the birds would come and wake me up right away. Eventually, waking up at 3-4 a.m. became my routine.
Since November, I have sometimes felt energy stuck in my crown, and it flows down to my tailbone when I meditate. I have also experienced a warm sensation at my tailbone, which has become stronger in December. Especially over the last few nights, the energy flows to my back, and I feel hot. The heat usually lasts for a while, gradually disappears, and then returns. At the moment, I feel quite warm in my lower back.
Can anyone shed some light on this?

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Wyn, I can relate to your story about your sleep being affected by your rising prana. I found my body enthusiastic to wake up early to start my day with a meditation. I have found a balance over time. Most of the symptoms you describe suggest a possible kundalini overload situation. What is your spiritual practice? Are you familiar with grounding practices and self pacing? Yogani covers these repeatedly in the lessons.

Dear Interpaul,
Thank you for your response. It’s great that you have found a balance! This is very important, I do feel a little tired sometimes, but I guess there is no turning back now.
Have you changed your diet? I spoke to a master two weeks ago, and she mentioned that sleep patterns are related to diet (I have recently become vegan), and diet is linked to physical changes. However, I haven’t noticed any significant physical changes yet, except for some weight loss.
My routine is quite simple: I wake up between 3-4 a.m. The first thing I do is pray, followed by affirmations and some breathwork.
I would have experienced a kundalini awakening in mid-2024, but nothing happened after that. Regarding this experience, I was told that the heat I felt might have been energy releasing…
Yes, I practice yoga four days a week at a gym. Previously, I didn’t focus much on grounding my energy and only occasionally spent time in nature. A few weeks ago, I asked one of my yoga teachers how he manages his energy while practicing yoga, as I often feel energy flowing to my crown during practice. He recommended practicing the child’s pose to help ground my energy, and it has now become part of my routine.
What technique do you use for grounding? To be honest, I am not familiar with self-pacing, but I believe it is something worth learning.

Hi Wyn,
Information on self-pacing can be found in Yogani’s Lesson 107. Basically, it’s a matter of reducing your spiritual practices to a level where you’re comfortable, both during practices and in your daily life.
Basically, grouding is gentle physical activity, such as walking in nature, gardening, cleaning, tidying up. Swimming or socializing can also be good for grounding.

Hi Wyn,
All the symptoms you are describing are ones that are often associated with kundalini. If you are experiencing anything that is uncomfortable, or painful, then it would be wise to self-pace your practices downwards and increase grounding practices, as Interpaul suggests. However, if the symptoms you are experiencing are not uncomfortable, or painful, then there is no need to adjust your practice. If that is your situation then you could simply continue as you have been.
If you do not have a regular meditation practice then it would be well worth adding one to your practice. Meditation practice using the AYAM mantra is described here.

Thank you Jack, for your wonderful suggestions. At the moment, I am pretty much in isolation mode. I love all the grounding activities, except socializing.
I have been in isolation mode for almost 8 months now. There were a few occasions when I socialized with old friends, but then I started doubting myself, so I have completely cut off contact with friends since then.
Could I please ask you another question?
I have a colleague with whom I used to get along well (perhaps because I was not aware of my true self). She is someone who sometimes lies, or makes promises but never delivers on them. She always sought validation from me, gaslighted me, and I could feel her showing different faces to me sometimes. She shows envy, pretty much I can feel her mood just by looking at her face or hearing her tone. I tolerated her behavior, but since September 2024, I started cutting her off. I deliberately kept my distance from her, perhaps building a wall to avoid talking to her on any occasion. However, she remained in my thoughts, which drove me crazy. In my meditation, I tried to heal and release those feelings/wounds. In the last 4 months, she tried to bring me back to the previous me. I always ignored her and told myself deep down that she doesn’t deserve trust. Until a few days ago, suddenly, I accepted her. Then I asked myself: what happened? I know I have set boundaries, but I could not quite understand why my perspective changed so suddenly. Is it because I repeatedly tell myself to love everyone no matter who they are or what they do/are going to do during my meditation? I definitely dont want return to the previous self.
Do you have any suggestions on this? thank you!!

Hi Christi,
Thank you for the recommendation. I started practicing grounding after each meditation as suggested by Interpaul. Currently, I feel okay, but when I am praying or doing breathwork, I feel hot. Then I tell myself to surrender and accept.
Yes, I meditate daily and will add new elements to my practice.
Thanks again!!

Welcome Wyn
Childs pose is an excellent pose for grounding, especially if you quietly connect your third eye to the ground. A meditation practice allows you to train your body to quiet and open on the inside. Once the body purifies and the silence arises in your everyday, the boundaries between yoga and life overlap.

Hi Wyn,
It is possible to practice loving someone completely and accepting them for who they are, and yet not see them every day. It is possible to not see them at all, or have any contact with them. So, you can engage in loving kindness practices, and include anyone you want in those practices, whilst maintaining clear boundaries.
It is true that at a certain stage in practice, you can no longer be harmed by anyone, but that stage is quite far down the road, and until then boundaries are very important.

Hi Wyn,
I have nothing to add to Christi’s answer.
But I would like to give you a little suggestion for further reading. You seem to have appreciated my list of grounding techniques. I took these techniques from a book on kundalini awakening that Tristan Dorling published last year. It’s a very interesting guide for spiritual practitioners, in the form of questions and answers. I learnt a lot from reading it. Given that you’re experiencing a spiritual awakening, it might be of interest to you…
You can find it here.

haha, thanks Jac, it sounds very useful and practical, I will get this book :).

Hello Jac, thank you very much for your recommendation, I read part of the book today and tried Samadhi, it’s amazing. :grin: :heart:

Hi Wyn,
I’m very happy that you like Tristan/Christi’s book, and I hope it helps you on your spiritual path! :slight_smile:

haha, now it makes sense,Christi is Tristan :grin: !! it is very practical, and I love it.

Thank you Christi for sharing the light with us, the book-" Kundalini Awakening - Questions and Answers" is amazing!! :heart:

Hi Wyn,
I am glad you are finding the book useful. I felt the need to publish it as there are so many people experiencing kundalini awakenings on the planet right now, and so little advice available from people who have actually been through an awakening themselves. It seemed to be important to get some clear answers out there to the many questions that are being asked these days.
And yes, Tristan is my birth name. I used to live in South India, and the locals found it hard to say “Tristan”, so they called me Christian instead, or Christi for short.