Greetings fellow seekers,
By grace I somehow won an extra $100 in Adwords credit with Google. I’d like to apply it toward running an ad for the AYP site. For the past few days the following ad has been appearing whenever people search for specific keywords in the Google search bar:
Blissful & Ecstatic Yoga
The most effective & transformative
yoga out there!
So far the following keywords trigger the ad:
spiritual yoga
here & now
meditation techniques
spiritual growth
spiritual awakening
spiritual enlightenment
spiritual transformation
mystical experiences
inner silence
and of course, Yogani
Any ideas for any other keywords?
Much love & thanks,
what about “kechari” or “mudra”?
Many of us arrived at ayp looking for images/info about Kechari
Maybe add spinal breathing? Searching for that is how I ended up here
Some quick ideas: backwards-flowing method, internal alchemy, energy work, purification, shakti, samyama, patanjali, yoga forums, kundalini symptoms, secrets of wilder, self-inquiry, advaita, yoga retreat.
Yes good idea, I vote also for Yoga retreat and Yoga Forums
You could add “levitation”. Quite a lot of people find themselves spontaneously levitating and then do a search on the word and find themselves at AYP.
Great ideas. I’ll add all of those keywords.
So far the ad has been running since May 3rd, and 54 persons have been directed to the site from clicking the link!
Keep the ideas coming.
So given the budget, the google ad ran from May 3rd to July 9th and we had a total of 296 visitors to the site as a result. Thanks to those for all the additional ideas.
Bravo, and thank you, Marcel!
The guru is in you.
Should this come up again in the future, I’d like to lend a hand to help out. I have a number of online research tools which can help to optimize the effectiveness of the advertising. Please let me know.
Hi All:
Update… After several attempts over the years with Google Adwords, we found it to be uneconomic in relation to the number of AYP books sold (our primary financial support).
However, we have found Bing/Yahoo pay-per-click ads to be very economic for the number of clicks we get for the cost, and have been using that service continuously since the last quarter of 2012. We are in good shape with campaigns and keywords, which have been running with good results and very little babysitting required (important).
That was another problem with Google Adwords. It is very labor intensive, requiring constant babysitting. We simply didn’t have time on an ongoing basis to keep up with all the finagling and campaign interference they do. And the cost was prohibitive anyway for what we are doing at AYP. Which is not to say we would not like assistance on Google Adwords, or anywhere, like Marcel so generously provided above.
Many thanks!
The guru is in you.