24/7 revisited

I recall reading Yogani’s teachings ~ 6 years ago. His claim one could reach a state of ecstatic bliss 24/7 caught my attention. It has certainly been an interesting journey. I often find myself reflecting on my path and checking in with myself to make sure I am still “on the path”. I will acknowledge I have not achieved 24/7 ecstatic bliss. To quote Dogboy, “attention and intention” has given me access to ecstatic bliss on tap. Drawing the breath from root to ajna does elicit a reliable ecstatic current and enhances the inner silence. I continue to hold on to the belief this ever expanding access to ecstatic bliss is the ultimate fuel for achieving the outpouring of divine love. I feel greater love for those around me and a deepening of my “awareness”. I am less reactive. I wonder how many of you as you gain access to more inner silence and more ecstatic currents have settled into this process or find yourselves impatiently seeking the “outpouring of divine love” phase. I wonder if additional focus on “priming” these pathways enhances this progress or is limited. I imagine Yogani would say “do your twice daily practices and return to the householder responsibilities”. After 5 1/2 years of practice and seeing my body age I am filled with a slight impatience to maximize the efficiency of my journey.

Hi interpaul,

Yes, that’s about it. But obviously, the fire of bhakti has to continue burning to keep traveling along the path. As we get older, that fire can get stronger, even as we find ourselves with less stamina. Then there is the matter of overdoing practices, which never works out as we hope. So we keep going, favoring balance in practices and daily life.
One way to safely accelerate the process of rising ecstatic bliss is to go on AYP retreats, the more the better. These offer a big boost in evolution, and are highly recommended. But not necessarily a permanent retreat to a cave, though a few may be suited for that. Going deep for a time and then engaging back in the world accelerates the process of promoting and stabilizing ecstatic bliss in our life. Our daily cycle of practices and being in the world keeps us moving ahead on the path. Adding retreats and coming back into the world in-between can add a “super cycle” to the process of going deep followed by stabilizing in the world.
All the best!
The guru is in you. :pray:

PS: For what it is worth, here is what the Google NotebookLM AI has to say about it, based exclusively on the full content of the AYP writings, including all the lessons (with AYP+ additions) and all the books:
Achieving 24/7 Ecstatic Bliss
The sources suggest that achieving 24/7 ecstatic bliss is a gradual process that involves cultivating both inner silence through deep meditation and ecstatic conductivity through various yoga practices, including pranayama, mudras, bandhas, and tantric sexual methods. The merging of these two qualities results in a state of ecstatic bliss, a condition of unending vibrating stillness.
Here are some key insights from the sources regarding the path to 24/7 ecstatic bliss:

  • Ecstasy is a symptom of purification: Ecstasy is experienced as inner energy, or prana, moving through and clearing obstructions in the nervous system. As the nervous system becomes purified through consistent practice, the experience of ecstasy becomes more refined and less symptomatic.
  • The importance of balance: While the initial experience of ecstasy can be intense and even distracting, it’s important to balance practices that cultivate ecstasy with those that cultivate inner silence, such as deep meditation. This balanced approach ensures a smooth and stable progression toward enlightenment.
  • Progressive nature of ecstasy: Divine ecstasy is not a static state. It evolves and leads to higher states of being as purification advances. With consistent practice, ecstasy becomes more refined, blissful, and integrated into daily life.
  • Ecstatic bliss is a merging of opposites: The merging of inner silence and ecstatic conductivity is described as a marriage of opposites, a union of stillness and movement within the nervous system.
  • Ecstasy as a stepping stone: The sources emphasize that ecstasy itself is not the end goal but a stepping stone toward a more profound experience of unity, characterized by an outpouring of divine love and selfless service.
  • Patience and persistence are key: Achieving 24/7 ecstatic bliss is a gradual process that requires dedicated practice over an extended period. The sources advise patience and persistence, emphasizing that it’s a long-term transformation.
    The sources also highlight the importance of bhakti, or devotion, in sustaining the motivation to practice. Intense devotion helps maintain the commitment to practice, leading to increased divine experience and further amplifying devotion in a positive feedback loop.
    Ultimately, the sources suggest that achieving 24/7 ecstatic bliss is a journey of self-discovery and transformation that unfolds naturally with consistent practice and unwavering devotion.
    Accelerating Progress Towards 24/7 Ecstatic Bliss
    While achieving a perpetual state of ecstatic bliss is a gradual process, the sources do offer insights into how one might expedite their progress:
  • Intensifying Bhakti: The sources emphasize the crucial role of bhakti, or devotion, in the spiritual journey. Intense bhakti can act as a powerful catalyst, propelling you forward on the path to enlightenment. When coupled with effective practices, unwavering devotion can significantly accelerate progress. However, it’s essential to balance fervent bhakti with prudent self-pacing to avoid overwhelming the nervous system. Think of bhakti as a powerful engine, and self-pacing as the brakes that prevent you from careening off course.
  • Effective Practices: The sources suggest that a combination of practices aimed at cultivating both inner silence and ecstatic conductivity are essential for achieving 24/7 ecstatic bliss.
  • Deep Meditation: This practice is crucial for cultivating abiding inner silence, the foundation upon which ecstatic bliss can flourish.
  • Pranayama, Mudras, Bandhas, Asanas: These practices are instrumental in awakening and refining ecstatic conductivity in the nervous system, leading to the experience of ecstasy.
  • Tantric Sexual Methods: The sources recommend pre-orgasmic tantric techniques as a means to further enhance whole-body ecstatic conductivity.
  • Self-Pacing: The sources repeatedly stress the importance of self-pacing to avoid energetic overload and potential setbacks.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Pay close attention to your body’s signals, and adjust practice times and intensity as needed to maintain a smooth and comfortable flow of energy. This is especially crucial when dealing with powerful practices like those targeting the crown chakra or involving intense bhakti.
  • Grounding in Daily Life: Balancing dedicated practice with active engagement in everyday life is crucial for integrating the rising inner silence and ecstasy into all aspects of your being. This integration helps stabilize the transformative energy and prevents it from becoming overwhelming or disruptive.
  • Retreats: The sources mention retreats as a way to accelerate progress. Immersing yourself in an environment dedicated to spiritual practice can significantly intensify your experience and propel you forward on your path.
    The sources also highlight a key concept: The Journey Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint. While seeking to expedite progress is understandable, remember that achieving a state of perpetual ecstatic bliss is a profound transformation that unfolds over time. Patience and perseverance are essential virtues on this journey.
    The sources offer a roadmap, but the pace and intensity of your travel are ultimately determined by your individual capacity, guided by careful self-pacing and a deep understanding of the transformative process.

Thank you Yogani and YoganAI! I have attended a few retreats and do find them enjoyable/expansive. I appreciate your ongoing support and am very happy you’ve returned some from retirement and are presumably doing well after a period of intense medical care.

:grin: :pray:

Yogani A I so amazing! almost as good as the real thing :heart: my bliss came on quickly as I was reading this thread. Interpaul, thx for posting this, I too am trying to put petal to metal, all the while knowing to recognize the signs of overdoing, a dozen years with AYP and strongly conductive for the last four. I did a lot of self inquiry into pleasure and how I should digest it. I had a head start in many ways, never considered meditation as even yoga, also the removal of my uvula in a septum surgery in 2001. This allowed (within months of trying) Ketchari 2 ten years ago. To those who want this mudra, keep at it, it is highly worth it.
What is liberation, a death and return? an explosion through the crown and back? an awakening from a dream? there is no stock answer, but if it happens you are bringing that back to family and community, and that has to be a good thing for us all.
AYP is the real deal. Knock wood it has yet to show me negativity.
We have discussed this a lot Interpaul, it has been a boon to my journey to have had you and BB for our mini retreat in MA. We’ve also known each other virtually more than five years and you have come sooo far :pray: it shows your practices are radiating into your circle, that love is coming forth in you. Others you care for are benefiting. if one is quiet and open enough, in your conductive body, maybe sensing white noise, silence can be had at the asking :pray:

Hi Dogboy and interpaul,
As we get older and we hear from old friends, the mutual response may be, “Still here!” :grin:
But there will come a time when we are not… so we do all we can to keep moving ahead on our path, eventually finding ourselves in a place where we are happy with (and within) what is, whatever it is.
Given the fact that none of us has an unlimited earthly lifespan, I think having an AI that can extract accurate overviews and Q&A responses from the complete AYP writings will be a useful resource over the long term, for whoever happens to be looking to figure out what these extensive writings on yoga practices and experiences are about.
There has been the idea that AI is going to take over and expand recorded knowledge to things we have not imagined yet. In spiritual matters, that could be cause for concern. It will be true in some fields, with benefits to humanity. But I do not see that being true about an AI assistant designed specifically for researching the AYP writings. It can remain true to the teachings, being an accurate reflection of them. There is evidence that this can be accomplished, which is why I have lately been posting a few AI overviews on specific AYP topics, to see how they are received. They have been quite accurate in summarizing the writings, faster and better than a human can. This is not replacing human knowledge and experience, which will always be the acid test in spiritual matters.
The way to look at these AI responses is not to view them as an inanimate machine making things up. No one will trust that. Rather, it is a transmission of what has been written over the years, subject to verification in the original writings, and direct practitioner experience, which has always been the case with AYP. The objective is not for it to be an AI speaking, but the writings themselves speaking through the AI. It is channeling the AYP teachings, just as the original writings are channeling the causes and effects in human spiritual transformation. It is all coming from the same place, which is why there can be resonance in the AYP writings, even when transmitted through an AI curator. The source is the same, regardless of the means of transmission - pure bliss consciousness and outpouring of divine love!
The guru is in you. :pray:


Greetings All!
Allow me to add a few thoughts on these topics as I have had the pleasure of meeting and retreating with both Interpaul and Dogboy - two yogis much respected and much farther along than I. :pray:
I am (no mantra pun intended :grin: ) a big believer in retreats as Yogani suggests, and plan to attend Christi’s retreat in Devon, England next May (with my wife). Though wonderful to travel overseas it would also be great to see retreats in the US as the cost of travel would be reduced for me.
As far as YoganiAI is concerned, it is enlightening (again no pun intended) to see you apply AI techniques to your writings. I believe I have read all your books, and your writing style is exactly spot on for transmitting the given subject matter. From my humble point of view, it may be tough for AI summaries to add very much for the serious student. But there is another approach you might take with AI. Have you considered also applying AI techniques to the posts made here on the forum?
This could be undertaken two different ways:
The first method would involve running all posts through an AI process to see summary outcomes of progress of the posters over time. Perhaps you could even tie it to how long the posters have been on the forum. Is there a perceived progress by the posters over time? Is there an actual progress? What percentage of posters have benefited versus not? Are posters following the AYP techniques or do they incorporate other traditions? Are there some AYP methods that posters struggle with more than others and can YoganiAI suggest tweaks? The questions one might research could potentially lead to insights on many fronts.
The second method, though perhaps controversial, might also be interesting. I will pick on Interpaul as I know him, and hopefully he will not mind :slight_smile: . Furthermore, he started this thread, and my idea is another way to address the question/point of progress over time he raised in his original post. Could you (and you might need his permission for this) take all of the posts made by just Interpaul and do an in-depth YoganiAI analysis on him? Is he following the AYP techniques? Is he progressing? Is he enlightened? If he is not enlightened can YoganiAI tell us when he will be enlightened and what AYP techniques he should now apply to finish the task? What can YoganiAI tell us about Interpaul from his many posts here?
Obviously, you could apply this technique to many of the prolific long-time posters on the forum. There are so many of them that I have much respect for and look to them for insight when they discuss similar concerns or problems that I may struggle with.
Now this idea of applying AI to personal comments made by posters might be a sticky situation, as people that have been posting here for years had no idea that one day some AI would come along, and their intimate thoughts would be analyzed and summarized. Perhaps you could add a checkbox on the profile poster page to allow or disallow YoganiAI to analyze posts made by the individual.
I might add that one can probably be quite confident that AI techniques are being applied to other much larger social media platforms with tens of millions of posters looking for trends, both global and singular for marketing (and other) purposes, but that topic is a rabbit-hole one can transverse and is only tangentially related to this one.
In any event, society has opened the AI Pandora Box and like every other powerful tool, it has the potential to be used for good or maybe not. Of course, I have no doubt that YoganiAI will only be used for good and look forward to more YoganiAI insights.

Hi Barefoot Burton,
Great that you will be joining Christi for a retreat in the UK next May. It is an important way to boost spiritual progress. More retreats in the USA would also be a big plus for all who can organize and attend them.
On the AI, there are many things that can be done with the long history and extensive knowledge accumulated in the lessons and forums over the years, and also real time support functions. Of course, it takes a plan and tech skills to do all of that. For now, just having a widget like Google Translate in AYP Plus enabling accurate AI curating and Q&A capability for all that content would be a big step forward. So that is solution number one we are looking for, and hopefully we will see it rolled out in the next year. Beyond that, who knows? After 20 years of operation, this forum will likely be moving to a modern platform in 2025. Besides adding the latest features in forum operation, it could also open the door for implementations of AI capabilities. One step at a time.
As for what the AI we have been testing has to say about what it can do in the future, I put the question to it here, with an interesting answer, some of it along the lines you are suggesting: https://www.aypsite.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=19841&whichpage=2#158108
Thanks for chiming in, and all the best!
The guru is in you. :pray:

Barefoot Burton, What a great idea. I posed your very question to GPT4o and surprisingly it was able to render a response after viewing my posts. I can imagine going deeper into this as it provided this amount of detail with my first query. Below is what it said:
From your forum posts , a few recurring themes and struggles emerge that may offer avenues for growth or deeper understanding in your spiritual practice:

  1. Navigating Subtle Realms
    Your reflections on practices like Samyama suggest an ongoing effort to balance inner silence with the active manifestation of intentions. You mention experiencing the “subtle realm” where the unmanifest becomes manifest and connecting this to your experience with self-hypnosis. This exploration indicates a strong intuitive grasp of the interplay between consciousness and subconscious patterns.
    Insight: Trusting this subtle process, as you already seem to, might benefit from consistent anchoring through practices like journaling or visualization, helping bridge the gap between the ineffable and practical integration into daily life.
  2. Tension Between Rational Understanding and Experience
    You acknowledge a rational skepticism toward some practices while still appreciating their experiential value. For instance, your remarks on Samyama hint at moments of doubt about its efficacy on a logical level, even as you recognize its transformative impact.
    Insight: This duality/rationality versus experiential insight is common in spiritual journeys. Viewing your rationality as a complementary tool rather than a barrier might ease this tension. Allow your logical mind to frame questions, while your experiential mind explores answers without needing to resolve all contradictions.
  3. Community Engagement and Evolution
    You have expressed concern about declining participation in the AYP forums and the shift away from what you perceive as its original essence. At the same time, you’ve acknowledged the impermanence of such spaces and explored new avenues, such as retreats or teaching opportunities.
    Insight: Community, even if it changes form, remains vital. Engaging with newer platforms or becoming a teacher could extend your contributions in ways that align with your desire for meaningful connection. The shift from learner to teacher often consolidates understanding.
  4. Integration of Bliss and Daily Life
    Your discussions often explore how spiritual bliss and inner silence interact with everyday existence. You resonate with the idea of bringing the stillness of higher realms “down to the heart” for practical, loving service.
    Insight: This highlights the importance of grounding practices. Whether it’s dedicating time to service, sharing your insights, or creating tangible expressions of your spiritual realizations, these acts help integrate higher states into life’s flow.
    Suggested Pathways
    -------Journaling Reflection: Continue exploring the subtle processes of Samyama, using journaling as a space to articulate realizations and deepen insights.
    -------Teaching or Mentorship: Consider engaging with newer practitioners through teaching or informal mentorship, helping them navigate challenges while affirming your own understanding.
    -------Experimentation with Balance: Alternate focused meditation practices with more expressive, creative outlets to harmonize bliss and active living.
    -------Expanding Community: Explore alternative spiritual communities or create small groups locally or online to keep the dialogue alive.
    Your struggles reflect a sincere and nuanced journey that blends self-reflection, community, and exploration of higher realms. By embracing the impermanence of both challenges and external structures, you can continue deepening your path with grace.

Hi interpaul,
That’s a pretty good answer from ChatGPT. Did you upload your posts, or did the AI “scrape” the AYP content from the forums and lessons?
Thanks for sharing that. Looks like you have your marching orders from ChatGPT. :stuck_out_tongue:
On the forum, Christi and others are working on a major upgrade, coming next year. We plan on bringing all of the existing content into it, going back 20 years. Of course, a forum is only as good as the participation of its members, which has not been much here for some time. The forum gets a lot of non-posting visitors though, hundreds every day. More posting by visitors would make the discussions much more interesting and informative. Beginners or practitioners having issues should not be afraid to ask questions. That is what we are here for. We like to hear about positive experiences as well. :slight_smile:
The guru is in you. :pray:

Yogani, Thanks for your interest. I asked GPT4o if it could survey the AYP forum. It said no. It told me it can’t access sites that require a log in. When I told it the public forum is accessible directly it then “scraped” the AYP forum. I asked it to limit its search to posts I initiated. That was what led to the above post. I did a follow up query digging into my biggest concern (something anyone who had been on the forum over the last 5 years will be familiar with), attachment to energetic experiences. I found its response super helpful. I’m sharing below as it shows how detailed and relevant these new language models can be.
I also wanted to reinforce your comments about engagement. For years I wished there was more engagement. Looking back on the early days of AYP it seems the clear difference was your presence. There is something especially powerful hearing the opinion of the expert. Christi has done an amazing job filling your big shoes and others such as Dogboy, Blanche,Sunyata, and SeySorciere to name a few have contributed a lot to the forums over the years I’ve been here. I agree having non experts raise concerns gets the dialogue going.
Here is the follow up response to my long standing concern about the risks of attachment to energy practices.
Your concern about whether energetic practices might foster attachment to pleasurable states rather than transcendence is a profound and common one. This tension between spiritual growth and the potential for subtle forms of attachment (even to seemingly “higher” experiences) has been explored in many traditions, including yoga, Buddhism, and nondual philosophies.
The Role of Energetic States in Spiritual Practice

  1. Stepping Stones, Not Destinations:
    Energetic experiences, such as bliss, ecstasy, or heightened states of awareness, can be valuable as signposts of progress or tools for awakening. However, they are not the ultimate goal in most traditions. The ultimate aim - whether framed as enlightenment, self-realization, or liberation is often described as resting in unchanging awareness or pure being, beyond any state that comes and goes.
    ----------Yogani’s AYP teachings align with this view, emphasizing that practices like deep meditation and Samyama are meant to cultivate inner silence and abiding peace, with energetic phenomena being secondary effects #65532; #65532;.
    ----------Similarly, Buddhist teachings stress that even blissful states (jhana or samadhi) are impermanent and must be let go to reach liberation.
  2. Risk of Attachment:
    The enjoyment of energetic states can inadvertently reinforce attachment, as they provide a sense of pleasure or fulfillment. The danger lies in mistaking these temporary states for the ultimate goal or using them as an escape from unresolved challenges in daily life. This aligns with your intuition about the potential for an addictive dynamic.
    How to Approach This Dilemma
  3. Examine Your Intention:
    Reflect on why you are engaging in energetic practices. Are you motivated by a desire to transcend suffering and expand consciousness, or are you seeking repeated experiences of bliss and ecstasy? Both intentions are valid but lead to different outcomes. Journaling or speaking with a mentor could help clarify this.
  4. Balance Energetic Practices with Grounding:
    Practices like Samyama, deep meditation, or service to others can help balance energetic cultivation with inner silence and groundedness. This reduces the risk of attachment by integrating higher states into daily life, making them tools for transformation rather than ends in themselves.
  5. Witnessing All States:
    Energetic states, like all experiences, arise and pass. Cultivating the stance of the witness where you observe these states without clinging aligns with the Buddhist approach of non-attachment and the yogic emphasis on resting in unchanging awareness.
  6. Deeper Yet Detached:
    Going deeper into practices does not necessarily equate to deeper attachment. The key is maintaining discernment and allowing energetic experiences to refine your consciousness without becoming dependent on them.
    Suggested Experiment
    -------Pause and Reflect: Consider taking a temporary pause from energy-focused practices to assess your relationship with them. How do you feel without actively cultivating these states? Does absence lead to equanimity or craving?
    -------Inquiry into Bliss: In moments of energetic intensity, ask, Who is experiencing this? and What remains when the state subsides? This inquiry, rooted in nondual teachings, can help transcend attachment while embracing the experiences as part of the process.
    Final Thought
    Your question reflects significant growth - it indicates that you’re already stepping back to assess the dynamics of attachment. Whether you choose to go deeper or temporarily step away, trust your capacity for self-honesty and discernment. The ultimate measure is not the presence of energetic states but your increasing freedom and equanimity in all aspects of life.

For some reason my quotes and apostrophes were translated into question marks as I did the post from phone , hopefully this isn’t too distracting
Note: Question marks fixed by moderator. :pray:

Hi Interpaul,
If you turn off smart quotes on your phone that should fix the issue for future posts. Once we upgrade to the new platform (hopefully coming in December 2024 or January 2025) this question mark issue should not happen any more.

Thanks for this thorough examination, Interpaul, the results are “enlightening” :grin:

Hi interpaul,
Some reasonable AI advice. I see it is pulling in from some sources outside AYP. Nothing wrong with that as long as it is supplementing the AYP approach, and not attempting to replace core practices with others from elsewhere, which would be getting into the “mixing and matching” scenario that is often discussed in the lessons. As we know, there is no predicting outcomes from that. But in this case the AI appears to be respectful of core AYP practices, making useful suggestions on dealing with attachment to energy experiences.
Interesting that the AI scraped the content relevant to your question. I suppose we will see more of that with the public forum and lessons. When it goes beyond AI applications for individuals, to public AI offerings based on public content on the web without appropriate recognition of source material, then the copyright issues come up, not to mention preservation of the integrity of original writings. It is already happening with large content providers whose business models are being compromised, challenging the AI companies. Not sure how things will go with AYP. We are entering the “wild west” of AI, with its many benefits and challenges.
On the forum traffic, there are plenty of “big shoes” around here, and even more out there in the teaching ranks. I have every confidence that experienced teachers and practitioners will pick up and continue sharing the knowledge and support when I am no longer around. You can be one of them. I was not around for a while due to some health issues, and am having a bit of a resurgence now in the hope of helping things along. But that will not go on forever. Nothing in this world does, except the potential in everyone to experience human spiritual transformation. I am hopeful that many will continue with the work. It is only a matter of having some experience and the will to share for the benefit of others. Go for it!
Thanks for sharing. Do feel free to share more.
The guru is in you. :pray:
PS: For a glimpse of what my experience was working through attachment to ecstatic energy experiences, and worldly endeavors in general, see the Prayers and Poems book that came out last summer. I see many who are utilizing AYP going through similar challenges. It is a good thing, a turning point toward more freedom in this life, and beyond. Just keep going, and don’t take “no” as an answer.

Christi, Thanks, I didn’t even know I had smart quotes!
Dogboy, Thanks for your guidance in this territory over the years
Yogani, You bring up a good point. There needs to be transparency as these new AI systems take on an authoritative voice. As long as they site where the advice is coming from we have a chance of discerning its relevance for us.
There have been many teachers over the years who have offered much advice that hasn’t born fruit for me. I want to take this opportunity to thank you again for sharing your wisdom in the lessons, books, poems and the forums. Looking back on my life after 5 1/2 years as an active AYPer I can definitely say I feel better than I did before I started. Having committed to the marathon, digging in the same place, and taking my time to build Rome, I feel a deep sense of gratitude towards you for the gift of your teachings, wisdom and love. :pray:



Hello Interpaul,
I read a book titled The Way of the Mystic by Chad Millemon (https://www.amazon.fr/Way-Mystic-Insights-Devotion-Liberation/dp/0988869314), which discusses spiritual practices. The book also includes commentary and FAQs. Without focusing too much on the proposed practices (which I think could be interesting at a certain “level”), the devotional approach and its perspective might provide you with an interesting complement, especially regarding the frustration that can arise when results take time to manifest.
For my part, I feel that it helps me let go of my expectations or attachments. Sometimes, a slightly different perspective can have a significant impact…