Yogani's Experience with a Major Illness

Hi Yogani and AYP friends,
So glad to hear that Yogani is recovering well after this health crisis and his experience with “looking over the edge.” The point Yogani is making is of the utmost importance: Meditation is the central practice in yoga, and really in any spiritual practice, even when called by a different name. As a psychologist, I can say that therapy/counselling are only ways to manage/live with life problems, while meditation brings in time a complete restructuring of the mind, to a point where the life problems lose their potency. The inner silence cultivated through meditation is the cornerstone of the spiritual transformation.
The AYP system covers all the major practices leading safely and quickly to this spiritual transformation. I am currently taking a 9 months course in Tibetan yoga and Theravada-Mahayana-Vajrayana, with a lot of lectures, readings, and practices, and everything I am learning is present in a form or another in the AYP. And the one practice that stand out, that can take us all the way to enlightenment, that it is always present for the ones who walked this path ahead of us, is meditation. All the other practices are enhancements to be possibly added to a stable meditation practice. :pray:


Yogani, I feel your post is encouraging in many ways. I also feel that the importance of DM is stressed out in AYP very well. The lessons keep it at heart and come back to this maxim quite regularly. However, for me, reading about self-pacing was one thing, but experiencing the need for it was another.
I am happy to hear you’re feeling better and wish you all the best :pray:

Thank you,Yogani.You have taught and inspired thousands over years passed. I’m sure I speak for all of them as well as myself in thanking you from the depth of my being. May your recovery be sustained and you be blessed with many more years of health and happiness. :pray:

:heart: :pray:

Thankyou Yogani :heart:
Wish you a very speedy recovery. :slight_smile:
Lots of Love :pray:

Wishing you a speedy recovery Yogini. You have said it time and again importance of DM and the silence it carries along with it.
Thanks very much for all the knowledge and wishing you all the best along the path.

Thank you Yogani for sharing this.
Wishing you a very speedy recovery. Reading your post here is the best thing that I have done this year. :pray:

Thank you

Hi Yogani hi AYP Community !
after years of giving its time for receiving !!!
so please put yourself Yogani on the samyama healing list
love and light Wolfi

Thank you, Yogani, for everything :heart: . I’m happy to know you have enjoyed the fruits of your practice. I wish you an easy time. The lessons, and your generosity in actually responding to our questions, has changed my life.

Well, Yogani is on my healing samyama list, and you can add him to your practice, too. It makes a difference. Thank you! :heart:

Thank you Blanche ! Yess on mine Samyama list too …

Hi all,
Yogani has been added to the list.

Thanks, Christi! :pray:

more people more power !!! Thanks Tristan !!!

I just wanted to also send my well wishes to Yogani for a speedy recovery. AYP was what got me started with a stable twice daily practice many years ago. And although I tend to wander off into other systems from time to time (not due to overload, more of just my own curiosity getting the best of me) AYP has always been my baseline, a safe place where I can come back and regroup.

Thanks christi [OM]Yogani :heart: [OM]

Deep meditation is the simplest and most powerful meditation I have tried.And it gave me real spiritual and daily benefits.unfortunatly I messed up with trying to many other meditations and kriya yoga so I awakended kundalini with a very blocked body.Should have stayed with Yoganis Deep Meditation,my life was very good then.
Thanks you very much for the AYP teachings,and I wish you the best Yogani :slight_smile:

Deep appreciation to Yogani for sharing his experience and insights during this challenging time.
I also appreciate the reminder to focus on twice daily DM sessions. Even after more than a decade of practice, my partner and I have lately sometimes passed on evening sessions. This is a wake-up call.
While Deep Meditation is absolutely the core of our practice, we find that Samyama complements it beautifully. Again, deep appreciation to Yogani for these teachings, and to the AYP community.