Tantra "levers" - igniting the fire

I contemplated putting this out there for a while now, not sure if it was a good idea or not. Some recent posts in the forum and feedback from friends struggling to stay ahead of orgasm with tantra inspired me to put it out there. Over the last few years I have explored and used a variety of “levers” to help ignite and spread the orgasmic and ecstatic feelings throughout the body that come up when practicing tantra. These methods helped me to come to the point where tantric feelings were chosen over the enticing feelings of ejaculatory orgasm and to opt for staying ahead of ejaculation almost every time.
I no longer use most of these levers because I found that they are too powerful and additive to regular sitting practices making it difficult to stay on the right side of the equation and to stay balanced in the energy department. Also, because it is easy to get caught up in all the orgasmic feelings and to lose sight that tantra is not about orgasmic moments but rather about making each and every moment of tantra ecstatic and this is done by moving past seeking peaks of climax. Thanks to Yogani for his suggestions in this area.
In any case, getting to the point where not ejaculating is more enticing than ejaculating makes the next steps easy. Here are some of the methods I found to be most effective in making pre-ejaculatory sex more enticing and might be good “stepping stones” for others:
Over the last few years a variety of what I would call “tantric levers” have crossed my path. The first which was discussed a few years back in this forum was a technique developed by Jack Johnston using the “Key sound” outlined in “Male Multiple Orgasm”. I have practiced his method and can attest that it works very well and definitely made ejaculatory orgasm not nearly as interesting as “multiple male orgasms” as he terms it.
His website can be found here: http://www.multiples.com
Spinal breathing during sexual stimulation either solo or with a partner as outlined in the AYP tantra lessons is another important lever and very effective for moving the sexual energy up and out of the genital area. The risk with this is that it is additive to regular sitting practices and if you are close to the balancing line of experiencing symptoms of “over-doing” this can lead you well past the edge. So any spinal breathing needs to be done judiciously. The energy from spinal breathing can also be pulled up into the head and rotated clockwise and counter clockwise. Mantak Chia in his book “The Multi Orgasmic Man” describes a variety of techniques along these lines.
Another very powerful tatric lever is carefully using breath suspension while engaged in sexually stimulating activity solo or with a partner. I say carefully for obvious reasons, but also because it is a powerful amplifier and works best from my experience with an open throat for some reason. It is harder to maintain full in breath with an open throat than a closed one, but it is far more powerful this way. You can also do it with breath out, and this sucks energy intensely up from the root chakra, but is probably dangerous and doesn’t feel like it is that good/ healthy for the lungs. So proceed with extreme caution if you are going to do this.
The sun and the moon. Can’t begin to explain why this works but it is far more powerful than any other tantric lever I have come across and strangely balancing. While engaged in sexually stimulating activity solo or with a partner, start by imagining yourself staring at the full moon with your 3rd eye. “See” the moon in your mind’s eye and hold it as if you were staring at it in real life under the night sky. You can get creative and move the moon “light” from energy center to energy center in your body and up and down the spinal cord. Proceed carefully, easy to get carried away and slip past the “point of no return” into ejaculation.
The sun should be used with extreme caution as it leads to “inner” sun burns (naturally) :wink: . Same idea as how you use the moon energy, imagining yourself staring at the sun through the 3rd eye in your mind, “See” the sun in your mind’s eye and hold it as if you were staring at it in real life under a blue sky. You can get creative as described above with the moon. The sun seems to stimulate the upper energy centers more intensely and make the desire to ejaculate dissipate.
All of these can lead to very serious energy overloads if practiced in excess, you will know a few hours later if you have overdone it, so proceed with caution. The effectiveness of each is greatly enhanced by twice daily AYP practices. Although these worked for me, it may not be for everyone, so listen to your inner guru.

What is the Jack Johnston technique?

It is an audible sound, more details can be found here:

would you feel more comfortable giving more information, so i dont have to spend the money?

Hi always,
Unfortunately it isn’t mine to give away or I would be more than happy to so. All I can say is that it works and the knowledge is well worth the money in my opinion. I think it is a nice stepping stone in tantra.
All the best. :slight_smile:

I have been using the technique.
I am so happy. This technique actually works, and there is no “holding back”
Best technique ever.

Agreed great technique.

Another couple of Tantra levers for those interested in exploring further:

Align your chakras with your partner during tantra activity either solo or with a partner. This can be done with your partner present or not, simply imagine your partner’s corresponding chakras integrating and becoming one with yours. In other words, imagine the root chakra occupying the same space with your root chakra, then the same with the 2nd sexual center in the center of the pelvis and so on through just below navel, solar plexus, heart, throat and stopping at 3rd eye. The spinal nerve becoming one. You can also circulate energy between you and your partner.
Another interesting expansion of tantra energy is to integrate into the energy of the stars, once integrating into the sun and the moon has been experimented with. Same method as described in the above post, holding the stars in the mind’s eye during tantra activity. This can then be expanded to encompass all the known physical universe. Eventually asking “who is feeling these waves of ecstasy?” and knowing oneself as infinite awareness… unlabeled… undivided…feeling your “beingness” strretch out infinitely in all directions.

Hi Anthem,
thank you for keeping up this thread. It’s very inspiring!

> You can also do it with breath out,
> and this sucks energy intensely up
> from the root chakra
yes… yes, it does
> but is probably dangerous and doesn’t
> feel like it is that good/ healthy
> for the lungs. So proceed with extreme
> caution if you are going to do this
jury’s out… i’ve been doing vacuum locks for a year or two now and i’m still healthy… i do know what you mean about that ‘feeling’ though… ‘extreme caution’ is the way to go for sure

This is a great thread. I don’t know why this works either, but a deep sense of no concern and non-doing relaxes all the tiny muscles around the spine and draws the inner vision to the central channel and the area of the moola and swadhistana begin to spurt up. Without focusing on the event, non-judging the feeling of “bliss” (don’t think “wow this feel good”) let’s it continue to permeate the channels giving a distinct sense of the space of mind as bliss. Sitting with that space, not judging or confirming further draws the inner vision back deeper into the central channel and the process repeats from a deeper resonance. Self-pacing helps prevent overload on tender channels. Discipline with pranayama lubes the channels. Om Vajra Sattva Hung.

It’s funny, since starting this thread I have gone full circle to some extent.
Most of the above techniques are very effective and powerful but in many ways can be boiled down to playing with various versions of orgasm originating at the root.
Yes, there isn’t ejaculation, but it’s chasing that orgasmic high to some extent.
They make for some great sexual energy amplifiers perhaps especially for those who find themselves low in this department.
These days I practice blocking when needed and keep it pre-orgasmic (and not balancing at the point of no return) as much as possible finding the balance between ejaculation and under stimulation somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. The intensity of good feelings during regular pre-orgasmic sex is mind boggling at times, almost too much, no need to continue chasing highs when the whole thing is a high.
I would suggest blocking when necessary and staying pre-orgasmic, funny just what the AYP tantra lessons suggest, sometimes you have to figure these things out on your own… :slight_smile:

Just a follow-up to say that over the last few months I have experimented with adding in blocking all the time into my sexual life including with non-tantric intercourse with my partner. Previously I had used blocking only during solo tantra sessions when circulating the energy higher up in the body. This new addition of adding it in all the time, no longer doing solo-tantra sessions and no longer allowing for 1 ejaculatory orgasm or so per week created some interesting side-effects.
I experienced a dramatic increase in my desire for traditional sex looking more too my partner for fulfillment and due to the blocking also observed stuck energy in the lingam root chakra area. With some timely advice from a friend, I increased the amount of asanas I was doing to balance the energy out which worked removing that stuck feeling but then there was the experience of severe symptoms of over-doing.
Eventually the energy evened out, but blocking without circulating the energy felt very mechanical and physically more straining. Overall throughout the day outside of practices, there was also less circulation of energy in the body. It was kind of like a step backwards in a sense in terms of balance in the sexual energy department.
So now, the blocking continues but only during tantra sessions and during non-tantra and when with my partner the occasional orgasm flows naturally so everyone is satisfied.
The blocking during tantra sessions is very natural and can occur without the addition of finger pressure at the root, the circulating energy seems to incline a natural blocking which can occur by only using mulabhanda and a pulling up of the stomach and sucking the energy upwards when close to orgasm or when past the “point of no return”.
The re-introduction of the occasional tantra solo session with energy circulation using some of the levers described above (but not going too long or too frequently) has had a calming affect on the body’s desire for sexual fulfillment from outside, the body becomes more self-satisfied recognizing that nothing external can fulfill it the same way it can fulfill itself. External desire abates, blocking is more natural and outside of practices there is more ecstatic energy flow. It is also easier to stay pre-orgasmic as the energy becomes trained to stay in rather than go out. Interesting.

namaste brothers Anthem and alwayson, you got me both intrigued about the key sound and i’ve read the reviews on amazon and they all seem to be a bit too good to be true; plus i should mention that the price for the audio cd is now 69.95$ http://www.multiples.com/orgasmorder/index.html.
i can stay preorgasmic when i want to with some inner body orgasms but never the whole inner multiple orgasmic thing with dry ejaculation.
would like to hear any updates from you guys on the practice of johnston’s key sound.
kindest regards,

Hi Ananda,
I used the keysound starting a few years back for a couple of years off and on. His formula is very sound and it works well. I left it behind because some of the other methods described above were far more powerful and more effective at bringing ecstasy higher-up through the body during tantra.
The key sound certainly delivers multi-orgasms but it seems to be focused at the root chakra from my experience. Yes the sensations move further up the body but nothing like some of the other methods described above.
For reasons I don’t fully understand and I am the first to say it sounds strange, tuning into the energy of the moon or the sun as described above during tantra sessions is so powerful and effective at bringing ecstasy throughout the body during tantra I can hardly believe it. A friend of mine who also practices AYP has also used this method as well for over a year now also with great success and has never got past the moon exercise because of the incredible intensity of the experience.
Hope this helps, all the best!

I can relate to that Andrew, not so much with tantra, but with a powerful association with Jupitor and the Sun, mainly accessed through samyama. Have also tried it with the Moon and it is powerful and seems to me to have similar energy to Jupitor, but not as powerful for me. :slight_smile:

that’s a great tip, thk you for sharing your experience and knowledge with us brother Anthem.
in gratitude

Hi Louis,
I’ll have to give that a try, had not thought of doing it at the end of samyama.
Hi Ananda,
If you plan to give it a try, maybe better to start in a solo tantra practice session. Also, be creative bring the energy of the moon up from the root chakra, along the spinal nerve to the 3rd eye hold the image there, maybe stopping at the heart and swirling it clockwise 9 times then counter clockwise 9 times. Bringing up to the crown and above 4-6 inches above the crown and lead to an ecstatic orgasm that goes up rather than down and out. The same can be done with the sun, even blending the energy of both at the heart of elsewhere.
The crown part should likely be approached with caution considering all the guidelines with that in AYP. I have overdone this in the past and paid the price, so everything in moderation. For some reason also, doing it once or twice a week, three times tops leads to better progress than daily for this stuff. After a few months of practice, it takes very little to get it going.

Hi Anthem, Konchok and everybody,
yes, the whole mix of techniques works better when they are more sensed and “thought” (rather than “brute-force”… ), as explained accurately in Konchok’s post. I had 2 posts touching upon this in www.aypsite.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=4634&whichpage=2 Apart from the three stages I mentioned, there is the fourth one he describes: the relaxed confidence after having acquired a new techique.
It might be because force tends to activate the male pole, sometimes to a point where it slips out of voluntary cotrol; so I’ve found it helpful to at least move any sign of forcing out to my fingers or lips or tongue caressing her, as I’m at least relaxing the pelvis and the spine.
The common chakra journey you’ve mentioned is great, you can add caressing and singing each chakra’s name and/or Beeja to it (or brushing/caressing the energy up each other’s front). It usually leads to an open meditative state in both, independent of where you entered from (anywhere between very cool and very aroused works).
As for sexual solo practices, I’d underline common sense: Each body is unique (like in asana: dosha, age, Zodiac, ethnicity, whatever - there are no musts in Tantra); many benefit from them whereas in some, including mine, they’d make it difficult to de-learn the old teenage reflex of orgasm-equals-ejac and to feel into/through/beyond the Goddess here and now. So I invest the solo time into asana, pranayama, bandha, and meditation.
What makes self-control a real challenge is her visible, audible, palpable, tastable, smellable and 6th-sense-peceivable :wink: response which is virtually impossible to emulate because it outshines memory and fantasy. After all, the techiques are there for the multi-level multi-chakra melting of the Two, not the other way round.
I’d hardly imagine before that making nearly-divine love to a fully-terrestrial woman makes such a thrill, over and over. But it’s at the heart of yoga: not asking what I get, just asking what I can do.
Enjoy, the guru is in you!