All members are encouraged to create new and original topics in the AYP forums. There is no limit on the number of topics that can be put here.
It has been decided to keep the forum introductory posts by Yogani locked and without replies so they can continue to serve as a simple entry point to the AYP forums for all who visit.
In order to accommodate those who would like to reply to Yogani’s introductions, they have been copied in unlocked topics (like this one) that can be replied to and will “float” up and down the list with all the other topics.
Here is the introduction to this forum, available for replies:
49 Posts
Posted - Jul 13 2005 : 12:39:52 PM
By now, AYP has been blessed to receive visitors from just about every tradition on the planet. It is an honor to be able to share something that can be useful to people engaged in many different systems of spiritual practice. Likewise, AYP has been enriched in quiet ways by exposure to these many ways of approaching the task of human spiritual transformation.
This forum is for those who are engaged in systems of practice other than AYP. Much can be gained by looking across the lines that separate the various systems. What we will find is common threads, confirmations and, sometimes, revelations that would not be possible otherwise.
All paths, traditional and esoteric, are welcome here – Christian, Jewish, Taoist, Buddhist, Sufi, Shaman and more…
So please do share your path and practices, if you are permitted to do so, so that all might benefit. Let’s compare notes. Whatever our different orientations may be, we all share one thing in common on the spiritual journey – this marvelous human nervous system, this temple of God, our glorious doorway to divine experience!
The guru is in you.