Thank you all. My sister isn’t into meditation, but I guess I could be short changing her by thinking I know more or the" way". This is something I need to look at. I’m the older sister, so of course I think I know more. I do need to listen to her, not tell her what is what. Heck, she could know more than me. I really appreciate all the responses.
Maybe, she needs to teach me.
P. S. I love, love my sister no matter what. Of course, I love my kids, it’s still feels different to me. I could tell her all my skeletons in my closet, she doesn’t care. I have never said a bad word about this girl as an adult. She could tell me just about anything, and I’d love her the same.
Everybody has already given you great advice, above. You are a light to the people around you, including your sister.
I have nothing useful to add other than God bless you and I hug you from across the miles. Much Love to you, dear.
Mmm… my inner guru says that I’ve repeatedly asked for others’ suffering( which is true), and I can simply choose something else.