For some time now, ever since my first bout of accidental self inquiry, I’ve been wondering when I would become aware of the silent Witness. Well, it finally happened for me. (Yay! )
Recently I’ve been traveling a lot for work, and I was at Midway airport running a bit late for my flight. The security line was a slow-moving mass of aggravated humanity, and when I reached the front of the line, I realized why things were progressing so slowly. They had installed one of those body scanners, and they were funneling everyone through it and the metal detector next to it. The other eight or so stations were unused. I have to admit I dislike those body scanner things. I think they’re creepy, and my hair sets them off every single time. I was in the line for the metal detector, but the TSA agent told me to go through the body scanner. Then my hair set it off as usual, and I had to let a TSA agent poke through my bun. As I was putting on my shoes, I realized suddenly that my body was reacting like I was furious. I had this immense heat spreading out from my solar plexus, and I was shaking. And I had this little Eureka moment like: “whoa, I’m really hacked off here.” It was so funny. I was noticing that I was really mad without actually feeling the anger. I noticed the anger and then just shrugged it off. I barely made my flight, but it was still the best part of the day! Normally, I would be seriously hacked off for at least a few hours.
Later on, I felt a bit of curiousity about why I was so angry. I don’t really know the answer to that one. I think I have this aversion to being forced to allow people to poke around on me. (Go figure! ) But I’m not really sure what to do with that information. I’m still shying away from active self-inquiry, but the samyama sutra of: “I thought - Who am I?” is looking attractive.
Just wanted to share…
Lots of love!
Thanks for sharing.
Very good indeed!!!
Wonderful, Liz
AUM <3
“Like a tree planted by the water, I shall not be moved.”