Non ejaculatory orgasms

Prior to exploring AYP I had done some work with Taoist meditation and self hypnosis and was getting close to non ejaculatory orgasms. As my practice of AYP has deepened I am able to channel my energies and at times achieve non ejaculatory orgasms that are as intense/or more intense than any experienced in the more traditional ejaculatory fashion. The pleasurable experience is certainly a draw but more importantly it gives me a great sense of hope and I’m not drained of my energy in the process. I feel more love and more giving after experiencing these "non"releases. I have read a few discussions on this forum that speak of these experiences as happening later in the course of practice but the focus seems to be staying preorgasmic. For me the preorgasmic state has a lot of building tension and I wonder if this type of transmutation with the non ejaculatory orgasms has value. Any wisdom you have on this matter would be appreciated.

If your daily life is routinely better after these, then yes they are of value. Yoga is playful, experimental, and you are conducting the research.

Dogboy, Thanks for weighing in on my struggles again. Your approach is so straight forward and disarmingly simple. I think I’ve lost some of my trust in my own instincts over the last few years. Marital struggles have made me question if my perspective is accurate. I have confidence at work after 25 years of experience but this new venture is potentially fraught with addictive behaviors if I’m not completely honest with myself.

I am married to a recovering alcoholic, she’s two years sober and definitely on the right track, which has strengthen our marriage and pulled us from what looked like inevitable divorce. I credit my AYP practice for giving me witness in the thick of her struggle, to do what’s in my control and surrender what wasn’t, to open my heart so she would choose my support and overcome her attachment to numbing herself.
You are right to be wary of addictive behavior; your witness will only get stronger and your attachments weaker with a disciplined practice. You may stumble, have the resolve to try again.

Hi InterPaul,
Certainly non-ejaculatory orgasms can be beneficial on the spiritual path. They are, however, quite difficult to achieve, especially for men. There can also be a kind of build-up that happens, where they can be possible to achieve for a while, but eventually a tipping point is reached and sexual fluids and energy are lost.
For this reason, the advice given in AYP is to remain in-front of orgasm during sex, well away from anything that could be called a climax. Doing this, there is much less chance of energy loss both over the short term and long term.
In terms of becoming addicted to Tantric sexual experiences, in AYP, Deep Meditation is the most important pre-requisite for Tantric practices. This is to make sure that we are cultivating equanimity, inner silence and the witness, alongside the cultivation of any Tantric sexual practices that we are engaged in. When the witness is present, there is much less of a tendency to want to cultivate any unhealthy addictions which may arise.

Dogboy, Thanks again for sharing. Glad AYP has helped your marriage. I believe my spiritual practices have also allowed me to continue to work on my marriage and to find inner joy/bliss even without an agreeable sex partner
Christi, Yes, nonejaculatory orgasms are probably a rare thing. Having experienced them over a year now, they are more “normal” for me. You are right with regards to the risks of the tension spilling over into ejaculation. I find with staying preorgasmic I also fill a tension that isn’t as acute but eventually leads me to release as well. Yesterday I was realizing I am living with a lot more intense pleasurable energy in my body. I suspect this is what Yogani is talking about with regards to adjusting to the increasing ecstatic energy in the body. I instinctively feel the need to release this energy and it almost feels unhealthy to not bring it to full expression. The non ejaculatory orgasms do create a sense of resolution that is similar to when in a symphony the music keeps adding dissonant notes till it finally comes back to the key and is resolved. I appreciate your perspective with regards to the witness. I am not sure it is developed in me yet but I am definitely committed to my twice daily SBP and DM.
Both you and Dogboy seem to be the leaders of the pack. Is there a formal structure whereby longterm members take on a leadership role or do you both do this from a place of love and devotion?

Hi InterPaul,

The easy answer is that we do it from a place of love and devotion. :slight_smile:
There are quite a number of members of the forum that have been around for many years, and are able to speak from a place of long-term experience with the AYP practices. On top of that we also now run AYP teacher training courses, so we have many qualified AYP teachers around the world.
AYP is expanding! :sunglasses:

Christi and Dogboy, Thank you for dedicating yourselves to sharing your wisdom with this community. I have appreciated your direct advice and the wisdom I have read in archived questions. I still recall a kind person who directed me to AYP on another site and wish I could go back and thank him for opening me up to such powerful practices that are giving me the tools to finally open up to a deeper spiritual life after many dead ends. I hope these practices will allow me to someday share my love in the same way. :pray:


:pray: :heart: