I’m writing to express my gratitude to Yogani and all those who shared my journey while I was active here on the AYP Forum!
Today I was in Kechari Mudra while walking about in my current hometown in Northern Indiana. My wife and I moved here for her to be near her aging parents.
The breezes were caressing my skin, and I had a profound sense of my body walking in harmony with gravity. My thoughts passed by with very little attachment.
Although I notice “The King of mudras” is more widely discussed now than it was back in the day when Yogani began teaching it online, I seriously doubt that I would ever have found my way to the rarified yogic wisdom of Kechari Mudra without AYP.
Over the years since the days I was most active here, I’ve been through some physical illness in my own body, and I’ve seen my father pass away after a long process of physical decline. During times of decline, doing Kechari Mudra didn’t come to mind often.
And so the basic practice here is some form of deep meditation and the aim is to do it twice daily.
Welcome home Bewell, so glad you have checked in . Ketchari is special here too, another tool in taking your yoga practice off of the mat or cushion and into our daily “comings and goings”. Hope you weigh in again!
I used to practice khechari a lot during the day and always enjoyed it. I often feel like floating rather than walking and being absorbed into bliss and unity.
Same for dancing. It is my “drug” on the dancefloor. More aware of body movements and the music. Floating through sound.
From time to time I also practice deep meditation and samyama during walks. I feel it as very grounding and less intense than sitting practice which is comfortable at times.
Bewell, with many years of yoga/AYP under your belt, did it ease your troubles any during those troubling times, or preparing yourself for the task ahead of helping your in-laws? Both of my in-laws (RIP) had years of cognitive and physical decline (blessedly before the pandemic) and my wife and I bore most of the work as we lived the closest and she was their executor. I can recount a dozen times when I was able to abide in some semblance of silence during moments of turbulence.
Thanks for asking.
As for my practices, I mainly did a meditation practice (usually along with of heart breathing and spinal breating), and let the asana and mudra practice go.
Also, I did a lot of New Testament study, and tried to connect with people in churches.
Looking back, I see a clash, an antithesis. But at present, I seem to be experiencing synthesis. One practice that has helped bridge the gap between Christian tradition and mystical awareness is “Wespace”. For the past year, I’ve participated in an online wespace group, which includes sessions of what we call “whole body meditaiton”: https://www.integralchristiannetwork.org/
A couple of years ago, I was on the Appalachian trail hiking for 10 weeks. During that hike, I got back into Kechari Mudra practice while walking. I walked many miles in Kechari Mudra. There were some amazing views–inner and outer–both on mountain tops and in valleys.
But when I came back to ordinary community here in a new place/Northern Indiana, that’s where I really felt the clash. My body wasn’t adjusting well to being off the trail. I had some intense experiences that, when externalized, made others (my in-laws and my wife and some church friends) wonder about my sanity. I felt fine when the intense experiences were happening, but I didn’t take into consideration how others might view me when I would take really intense body postures and talk really loud and cry publicly sometimes. And so, after these episodes, I felt regret.
I did a lot of walking barefoot and appreciation of nature. That has helped me readjust. Now two years after being on the trail, I’m able to fit in with ordinary family events. I may even be experience by others as helpful sometimes
Going back to Kechari Mudra this time around (as of the last two weeks or so), something clicked as never before. Right now, I feel like my whole body is glowing with k energy. My mind is stable. I’m drinking more water than I feel like I need, and that has been a wise practice. I take water on my walks.
I’m definitely sane, in my own assessment and in the feedback I’m getting from people close to me. So I’m really grateful.
Yesterday, I bought a new cuticle nippers and made a fresh nip. Such sweet pain!
This has been some stream of consciousness writing. Thanks for your caring attention.
I’m here in part because I don’t have anyone with whom I can talk about Kechari Mudra. I can tell people about it objectively, but they think it is weird. It is nothing like talking with someone who knows what the experience is like from the inside. It is odd to be so grateful for a practice that is so little understood in conventional society.
PS: I turned 60 this July.
PPS: As for whether the AYP under my belt helped during the difficult times, it is hard to say. I don’t think it hurt. But who knows what it would have been like without that AYP background? It is like trying to imagine an alternative reality. I accept what is. The sense of a constant, abiding “witness consciousness” with me now and in my recollected past is helpful. I’m glad your question has me helped me to think about my past in that way. So, thanks!