ok, I realize that’s a strange title, but as we continue along this Alice in Wonderland path all kinds of magical things happen. Yesterday in the middle of teaching yoga I began to get stomach cramps. After class, thought I just needed to move my bowels but no luck. I began to get intense pain that doubled me over, and tons of gas to where my abdomen got noticeably bloated. Essentially incapacitated, I called in sick to my other jobs and went to bed. Suddenly the pain was not an issue, as I was in the meditative state that I tend to automatically fall into these days whenever I stop whatever I am doing. But, the state was more intense. In fact, I even wondered whether I might be dying, because I was just totally overwhelmed with divine Love and Bliss pouring through every cell in my body, even more than usual, with an incredible sense of peace. (I assumed probably just food poisoning, maybe from some bad potato salad, or the stomach flu that has been going around; but I have no previous experience of either of those ailments, and working in the medical field for 20 years I was also aware of other potentially fatal possibilities…) It kind of reminded me of that scene in Interview With A Vampire where the woman who has just been “turned” is writhing on the floor in agony while her digestive tract is being expunged and Louie says, “Don’t worry, it’s only mortal death.” So I was like, “ok, if this is it - either way, I surrender,” and was completely swept away in Ecstasy despite my body being quite ill. I was amused at some point to watch a feeling of guilt surface - that I was lying in my waterbed in ecstasy instead of working, although I was way too sick to work anyway, LOL! When my partner checked on me he said I was burning up, although I had chills, and then later headache and body aches. Took a bunch of herbal medicine and as of today, the illness is passing and I’m sure I will live… I guess the point is, yoga can transform even an “unpleasant” experience into Bliss.
wishing u a speedy recovery dear Jamie
I know how you feel - a while ago I took a couple days off because my work was unnecessarily creating mental tension. Then I felt guilty for totally enjoying it; shouldn’t I be suffering more to be taking time off work?
But if I meet you, I’m protecting my neck, just in case. . .lol.
LOL! thanks my dears, I am feeling much better today.
While I believe that this was a “real” (i.e. physical) illness, in that several people I know have had stomach flu recently, I also think there was a spiritual/kundalini component, in that the focus of the intense pain and bloating was right at manipura chakra and I’ve been processing some “stuff” in that regard.
Upon reflection, I do feel like part of me died, because today I feel even lighter and more transparent, and I don’t think it’s just from lack of eating. It was in that moment when I thought there might be a serious possibility of my dying and I was totally ok with it. a wonderful feeling.
Glad to hear your are doing better already. I’ve had a stomach thing back in January, and while it turned out not to be dangerous, the first day it set it drained me of energy almost completely. The only thing left to do was to lie down and hope to fall asleep eventually. Moments like those can remind us the time spent cultivating inner silence is one well worth it in every way. Recovery was quick after that, but not without more than a week of hardly being able to eat, or practice, due to irritation through the whole digestive system. In my case I know it was the food for sure since I wasn’t the only one who had similar symptoms having eaten at the same place.
Dear Aum,
YES, absolutely! Sometimes when life throws us a curve, that’s when we really see the beneficial effects of our yoga/meditation practice. And at the same time, dealing with these “difficult” events becomes part of our yoga practice. It all works together so beautifully.