hi all
from a past few days i have been experienceing extreme boredom n loss of desire to live. there is no proper reason that i can think of for this… n its really frustrating… the desire to know or find god is unfulfilled n that is adding to the misery of my state. i always thought of trying to become a regular practitioner of yoga but my practise was never regular.
wil this state stay on for more days? its kinda frustratin to be like this … not able to do anethin but just saturated w/ the boredom n frustration, its kinda gettin me suicidal. any suggestions?
Moderator note: Topic moved for better placement
namaste brother,
first i think it would be a good idea if you would sign yourself up for the healing samyama list in the forums.
and among the other things you can do:
pray for divine intervention…
read some inspiring stuff which was written by enlightened people… the vibe is there…
go out and search for a genuine guru you’ll find one eventually… and you can visit holy places “you live in India …”
you can try Loving acceptance, and things will changes once you are thankful with gratitude to the way things are because they can be even worse… a lot worse…
you can enquire on the source of your frustration and ask why and who is experiencing that and you’ll have some insights along the way; but in the end you’ll reach emptiness and clarity thus peace of mind and maybe self realization .
and even better yet to be more blunt you can stop being lazy and sorry for yourself, get off your butt and force yourself to practice yoga until you get the habit going “honestly that’s the best thing you can do.”
light and love,
p.s: practices work.
It is a phase, but the trick is to realize when the phase has passed and get the body moving again. The problem I have seen is that the phase passes, but the mind kinda gets happy in that lazy state and it is hard to get moving again. If you are aware that you are no longer in this state, and force yourself to get active again, the phase will go away, else you can be stuck in it for a while. It’s up to you.
And I would recommend getting into a structured practice… even if you don’t feel like it. Meditating in a structured way… be it the AYP way of twice a day for 20 min, or any other technique you follow, will help you see through your minds desire to keep you tamasic or rajasic and help you find a way to be sattvic.
Hi Shanti we cross posted; yours is good advice too.
As Ananda said, find what you can be thankful for.
Most people who are bored have it too easy in life. There has to be some struggle to make life interesting. try helping people who are worse off than you.
Yoga practices MUST be regular over time to have any effect. If you were doing regular practices, I would say just hang in there, things will improve and it’s only scenery, but you said you are not practicing regularly, so it must not be yoga related.
Find something in life that you can put energy into that you will enjoy.
That takes effort on your part; it doesn’t just come to you from the outside.
Find something that you are interested in, that doesn’t require other people or luck to make it happen. Something that you can read about and practice on your own, like making something with your hands, or providing a service for people.
Don’t think this life is not important, read this post on how fortunate we are, and should be thankful for:
Here’s the easiest thing to do that makes a big difference today:
Find something that is physically hard that you enjoy, and do that regularly for exercise. I use dance and gymnastics; other people like bicycling, hiking, swimming, sports, weight lifting, running, etc.
Strenuous exercise will get you out of depression faster than anything. Whatever exercise you use, you have to sweat, breath hard, and have a fast heartbeat. This cures an amazing amount of things when done regularly, at least three times a week, some people say everyday.
If you are often bored in the same place like at home, get away from there - go for a walk or drive, whatever. Go someplace where people are enjoying life, or if it suits you, out in nature.
Report back here how you are doing so other people can follow your example.
I would echo what Shanti, and others have said here.
Boredom can be soul-destroying.
My advice would be to read http://www.aypsite.org/13.html and follow instructions given there for the Deep Meditation practice;watch the changes that occur within you (the inner silence…the distance gained from your suffering) and before you know it it will have become a routine.When it has become a normal part of your routine and life, you can then always report back here on how suicidal you feel.
We all have different approaches for dealing with depression- excercise ,company,spiritual friends etc .Sometimes getting out your usual comfort zones can force you to confront things about yourself that make you uneasy,flutter or insecure.
Best of Luck!
I don’t know, it’s your state, hence you can decide how fast you might soon begin to change and this is something you can do because it is easy to…change right now, isn’t it?
Of course its a phase.The mind creates it.
Use that state as a reason for reaching God,a reason beyond this limited experience in this material world.
Try to start reading yogani lessons and try to put it in to practice.
After some time with dm and some sb pranayama you can try some bhakti yoga and self inquiry during the day.It change your life little by little.
Join the ayp group meditation at weekends and the samyama healing group.Im sure it will help you.
Your mind creates it.It will pass.There are only some toughts and emotions that must be “cleaned”.
I really agree with all that has been said, very good advice…
It is a phase, and I also think that what Etherfish said about sport is correct. It gets you moving and away from the house if you’re there a lot.
Self Inquiry might help also, you can try Byron Katie’s “The Work” in the book “Loving What Is”, it’s very good for questioning your beliefs and persistent thoughts and letting go of attachment.
You can try expressing to God, the universe, your inner self or your ishta how you feel, this might raise you’re Bhakti and can move things along.
thanks for the beautiful suggestions guys. everyone. i noticed that moving away from my house n dealing with other things makes teh depression go away, but sadly as i returned home last night , it took over me again. n in the mornin as i woke up, the helpless undesiring(to continue) feeling sprang back n only increased as i continued lying in bed.
furthermore my nose remains blocked sometimes, adding to the laziness. i admit being lazy too. can’t exercise heavily as i have woken up from sickness… i went for ganpati visarjan yesterday(the ending part of the ganpati festival; visargan day is on diff days) n felt good, the depression/frustration went away. as for the spiritual places visiting advice, am plannin on going to putthaparthy, bangalore - the placce where sathya sai baba resides. perhaps that might help me.
can anyone please include me in your samyama? how do i join AYP Global Group Samyama Healing?
thanks :).
Hi fcry64,
Please read the topic AYP Global Group Samyama Healing.
and you can put your request here
Thanks Ananda… sorry I did not see you had replied already.
thanks shanti. i ve’ put up my request . dint do well today
what are you doing thats not working?
what does this boredom really feel like? (often with boredom, theres other feelings in disguise in there)
If it really is boredom, what are some things you can do to give yourself a challenge or growth experience?
feel helpless n hopeless n for half of the day i lie in bed thinking… n am running low on health.
I think I partially understand. you’re lying in bed many hours and thinking… and you’re also concerned about your health. is there more?
helpless and hopeless means there has been too much frustration. and that something that you are doing (on some level/in your life) is not working.
are you stuck in bed? lying in bed and thinking cannot satisfy boredom or any other feeling. lying in bed for hours and hours if you dont have to would definitely lead to frustration. If you have to lie in bed as recomended by doctor thats a different thing. Im just trying to get a clearer picture of whats going on.
You need to be on the bed only at night.FDuring the day you should make and effort for being active.
Choose those activities that fit with you,things that you like and bring good benefits for you.
Is very important to make and effort for knowing new people…find an activity in group that you can join every week.There are plenty of them.
I know its not easy,but sometimes why come trought this phases in life.Times of change and evolution,and we need to fight and do things that we find hard to do (but we know over the long term will be ok).
Step by step my friend,but start forgetting your sweet bed cz it becomes a very bad habit that damage you person and will power,wich leads to much suffering.
Do some sport,go to yoga classes,find a job (probably you have one,dont know…),meet new people,travel if you can,practice surf if you life near the coast,go to the cinema,read books…
and of course practice meditation also,it helps a lot!
PS-Consider doing some asanas every day,it helps a lot for being active and relax the mind.