Black Friday home retreat

Namaste friends :slight_smile:
I am considering doing an AYP home retreat the day after Thanksgiving (Nov. 23rd). I’ve been wanting to retreat recently, and I think this would be a good opportunity. Not only am I not working that day, but it would be a healthy alternative to mindless shopping and consumption in the name of Christmas (Black Friday).
Anyone want to join me? Maybe we can Skype-satsang at some point :wink:

For those outside the U.S., Black Friday is the “offical” start of the Christmas shopping season. Retail stores open super early (4am sometimes), have special offers and discounts, and human beings trample each other like cattle to buy toys their kids will discard in a week.
So there is a social disobedience/spiritual protest aspect of this. I won’t lie :wink: :smiling_imp:

What a great ideas Cosmic!
Would have loved to join in by Skype, except my daughter comes home from college over that weekend, so it won’t work. If you plan to do it again later (not over a long break that coincides with college breaks :wink: ) I will definitely try to join in… :slight_smile:

Okay, I will let you know. I haven’t home-retreated for a few years now, but I want to make it a regular part of my practice moving forward. Maybe once a month or every 2 months.

Excellent idea! I’ve had it in my mind, since my last AYP retreat, to begin regular home retreats, but never actualized that desire. I am a volunteer docent at a nearby National Historical Site, and volunteered to lead the 1 PM tour that day, so I won’t be retreating, but I’d like to set something up–I think doing some Skyping could be interesting as well–let me know, at any rate what comes of this idea!

I’m in for a “Skype retreat.” Nov 23rd doesn’t work for me as I’m in a management training course that day, but if the timing is right, I’d love to be involved.
Carson :+1:

Love the idea Cosmic!!!
Would love to join in by Skype… Except that day :blush: … Will be out of town for the long weekend… In general, this is such a brilliant idea for those of us that can’t make it to retreats frequently… If we can plan another one in advance, I’m pretty certain I can join in…

Definitely curious and interested in the idea of skype retreats.

I’m also interested in a Skype retreat. I can’t do that day either. Mr. Whippoorwill is on-duty Thanksgiving day, so we’ll be celebrating the day after. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback, y’all :slight_smile:
A full-blown “Skype retreat” is not what I was envisioning, but I really like the idea. I would love to participate in and/or help plan an event like that in the near future. It’s amazing how even digital communication like Skype or IM with fellow meditators can enhance the inner silence, almost to the degree of being in their physical presence. This seems like it would be a powerful enhancement of the AYP “solo retreat”.
The consensus here seems to be: Good idea, bad timing. I would be interested in brainstorming with anyone who’d like to see this come to fruition. There is enough interest here for a small test case.
We should have that discussion! :grin:

Yes, it’s been brewing for a while here too. I’m baffled at myself for not doing it regularly. I’ve done it a handful of times over the years and it was always a nice boost.