AYP needs your help ... Donations

As most visitors here are probably aware, Yogani has gone to great lengths to make the AYP lessons free and accessible to all and has been incredibly generous in helping thousands of people and has never asked anything in return. Had he taken the usual route of only sharing his lifetime of knowledge through books and not posting so much of it for free on the web for our benefit, he wouldn’t be coming up short now on the financial front. :blush:
AYP could use a little help…
Book sales, which were being counted on to fund the websites, the forums and future books have unfortunately fallen below expectations, so these being available to us all in the future is uncertain. If you feel like you have benefited from Yogani’s work and writings then buying his books and sharing this great knowledge with others would be an enormous help (not to mention others would benefit as you have from AYP).
More directly, you can help alleviate some of the financial burdens that Yogani has silently and without complaint personally undertaken. In order to keep the websites and forums running, and to pay for the publishing of the books, you can make a donation through www.paypal.com to yogani99@yahoo.com .
More simply, just click below to make a donation: :slight_smile: