You’ve heard the phrase “Let go, let God”?
Karma is what’s let go of (or increased, if you’re inclined the other way).
You may appear to build it, or to reduce it, but it’s not real. It’s nothing but resistance to reality.
Thanks Jim. So it is just a resistance to reality implies that no second person is required for karma to take effect right? i.e. for example if you indulge in something and enjoy the sensory or some such experience (self identify with it thus forming a latent impression) then the karma of this will at a future period make you not able to enjoy that sensory experience while longing for it. i.e. if you at one time womanize and enjoy it, another time in this life or later you will be impotent and suffer.
Ain’t it? Yonatan?
Hi FakeYogi, I am sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner.
I think that karma is most of all as Jim wisely said a resistance to reality or as some would put it, the “flow” of things. when you don’t flow you are in resistance, and that flow is actually Love or as Yogani says Stillness in action (Love/God in action through our physical being). If I may I’d like to say my own understanding about this relating to your question. Your Soul wants to move in the direction of Pure love, and be love in movement. So if you womanize and you enjoy it (the sensory feelings) you may be able to do it for some time as long as your soul stays in about the same place or spiritual development. but inside, if you know that you are doing something wrong, if you hurt another being or yourself, then the soul is not “in the right place” and will at some point want to move on. some circumstance will happen (bad karma so to speak) that will make you want to not do this anymore, and as long as you continue indulging in the “old” programming/behaviour that keeps you down and not evolving, you will continue to receive that feedback from the universe that what you are doing is not good (the “bad karma”). because the effects of the causes come late in this dimension on earth, we have latent impressions of things we may have done lifetimes ago and also ways of thinking that we are not even aware of that “need” to change in order for us to progress spiritually, so when the soul feels like it is time to move to a higher place, those come out so we can heal/dissolve/love them to completion, meaning our karma is cleared. ultimately “our karma” is the whole universe, so even when our physical body is clear so to speak (it always evolves by the way as long as it’s here, and our soul does also) we continue to evolve by being love in the best way we can thereby serving the universe. So we may not suffer anymore but we will always move on to better things whatever they may be.
regarding how latent impressions will manifest (if it’s impotency for womanizing or something else) I really can’t tell you. But in short the karma will come to show you some things about your self than need to be updated. And if you let go and let God it will move on faster and more smoothly. it’s about letting go/being with what is/accepting/being love. meditation and practices help in that they dissolve the latent impressions thus “removing” the need for the karma to appear later in life.
I kind of blabbed a lot here, but I hope it helps
And to answer about thinking only not involving another being physically, yes thinking is also creating, so yes thinking can create latent impessions, karma, but it is less in force than actually doing something physically after thinking the thoughts about it.
I am beginning to be grateful for karma. And it is opening me up.
I forgive karma and negativity. And therefore am forgiven.
It is about loving (outpouring Divine Love) and letting go…
I forgive karma and negativity. And therefore am forgiven.
[/quote] Amen Yonatan. Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece of wisdom [OM]
Thank you Blueraincoat